10 Tips for Conceiving with A Low Sperm Count

low sperm count seminal fluid male

If you’re trying to conceive and have been told you have a low sperm count, you’ve come to the right place. There are still plenty of ways for you and your partner to conceive with a low sperm count. Thankfully, we’re here to walk you through them all. It’s important to remember that having a low sperm count is very different from being infertile. Although it may be more difficult to conceive with a low sperm count, it is far from impossible. Here are 10 tips for getting pregnant with a low sperm count.

Get Active

If you are struggling with low sperm count, amping up your workout routine might be what you need to pump it up. Try adding new activities to your routines such as weightlifting, hiking, or yoga. One of the leading causes of low sperm concentration is a sedentary lifestyle. Getting enough exercise impacts every area of your life, including your sperm quality and concentration. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are getting enough exercise throughout the day.

Eat A Healthy Diet

When it comes to improving your sperm count and concentration, the foods that you consume matter. In fact, what you eat can influence every area of your well-being. That’s why it’s important to eat a balanced diet full of healthy foods. Diets that are packed with vegetables, fruits, nuts, seafood, whole grains, poultry, and low-fat dairy are associated with improved sperm quality and more concentrated sperm levels.

An illustration to accompany a blog post about tips for conceiving with a low sperm count. The scene shows a couple consulting with a doctor in a clinic

Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

If you struggle with obesity, you are more likely to have a diminished sperm count. That’s why it’s important to be the healthiest version of yourself when you decide that you are ready to conceive. Losing any excess weight can help you increase your sperm health as well as lower your risk of other obesity-related diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. We understand that losing weight can be tough sometimes, and that’s why we recommend taking gradual steps toward a healthier lifestyle. If you would like to learn more information about maintaining healthy body weight, we recommend chatting with your doctor about what lifestyle changes they recommend.

Don’t Skip Out On Sleep

You’ve probably heard this before, but sleep is one of the most important factors to living a healthy and happy life. It can help you avoid illness, maintain a healthy weight, and even improve your mood throughout the day. However, something that many people don’t know is that getting enough sleep can also help you produce healthier, more concentrated sperm. If you have trouble with getting enough sleep, you’re not alone! Try implementing healthy habits such as going to bed at the same time each night, limiting screen time, avoiding daytime naps, and reducing your caffeine intake in the afternoon.

Reduce Stress

For many people, stress is simply a part of life. After all, we have a lot of things we are balancing between work, personal life, and family matters. However, high stress levels can be associated with depleted sperm count and lower quality sperm. That’s why it’s important to practice healthy habits that can help you reduce your stress levels. Things like meditation, spending time in nature, and picking up a new hobby can all be linked to lower stress levels. In turn, this will help your sperm count increase and improve your chances of conceiving naturally.

Take Your Vitamins

Taking your daily vitamins is an essential part of living a long and healthy life. But did you know that certain vitamins can also help to boost your sperm count? That’s right! Vitamins and supplements that are aimed at supporting healthy levels of CoQ10, Omega-3 fatty acids, carnitine, vitamin C, zinc, and selenium can all be traced to improved sperm health. Before starting a new vitamin regimen, we recommend chatting with your doctor about any of their recommendations for vitamins that increase sperm count.

Limit Alcohol Intake

Another lifestyle factor that can impair sperm motility and concentration is drinking alcohol. Impaired sperm count is especially apparent in people who drink heavily. This doesn’t just impact the amount of sperm that you produce, it can also influence the shape and size of your sperm. If you have a low sperm count, you might want to consider cutting back on your alcohol intake.

Stop Smoking

There are tons of health risks associated with smoking cigarettes and tobacco products, including impaired sperm count and function. In fact, smoking tobacco can impact your sperm concentration by up to 20%. With that said, we know that quitting your smoking addiction is not easy. If you need help eliminating tobacco products from your life, we recommend reaching out to your healthcare provider or attending support group meetings.

Avoid Lubricants

Believe it or not, using lubricants can impair your sperm’s ability to travel through the uterus and up to the fallopian tubes, where it will fertilize the egg. That’s why it’s a good idea to stay away from lubricants such as KY jelly, Astroglide, and other popular lubricants. Even your own saliva can impact the function and movement of your sperm as it travels through the vagina. With that said, we understand that lubricants can be a necessary part of sex for many couples. That’s why we recommend chatting with your doctor about some sperm-safe lubricants that you can use.

Have Sex More Often

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but the more often you have sex with your partner, the higher your chances are to conceive naturally. However, keep in mind that a woman is only able to become pregnant during ovulation. Check out our article to learn more about ovulation. For best results, you will want to have sex at least once per day in the 4 days leading up to ovulation and continue this pattern for 4 days following ovulation. This will give you your best shot at impregnating your partner.

Having a low sperm count can be challenging, especially when you and your partner are trying to conceive a baby. By following these tips, you will increase your chances of conceiving naturally, even with a low sperm count. Remember, if you have questions about making lifestyle changes to improve your sperm quality and concentration, it is best to consult with your doctor before implementing them.

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