Co-Parenting – Sperm Donation & FREE Sperm donors Forum CoParents and Sperm Donors in Australia Male, would like to sole parent or co-parent (Melbourne)

  • Male, would like to sole parent or co-parent (Melbourne)

    Posted by ___XXX on 2 October 2018 at 10:53

    Situation: I’m a young gay male (27) and would like to be a father while still relatively young. Like many of the women on here, I’m going through the ‘am I ever going to meet someone’ stage. But while a relationship can often develop later in life, parenthood is something that can quickly pass us by, especially if you want a life after parenthood or would like to see possible grand kids grow up. Also, eggs and sperm deteriorate over time unfortunately. So, well, I would like to get the ball rolling. And while sole custody was my preference, co-parenting seems to be a very viable option. Many of my childhood friends were children of divorcees and thus were co-parented and all of them seemed to have turned out fine!

    Genetics: I’m not the tallest (170), but have always been a healthy weight. Caucasian of Irish/British descent, fair skin, green eyes, brown hair (was bleach blonde until about 10, but not sure how that works genetically). Fairly athletic, quite muscular, just never been that interested in sports. However, I have had issues with allergies. Was diagnosed celiac at 18, though I wasn’t always, as the condition developed after the flu. Again, not sure how that works genetically, but worth keeping in mind. Am masculine/straight-acting (if that matters) and am reasonably intelligent. Non-smoker, drug free, never had any substance abuse issues. Straight teeth.

    Sole parenting: This may suit a woman who would like to spread her genes and experience childbirth without any of the responsibility, financially or otherwise. No-contact or some contact would be okay. I’m not the kind of person that would cut you out unless that’s what you wanted.

    Co-parenting: This option may suit a straight woman that wishes to be the only mother that would ever be in their child’s life, or just any woman that would like their child to have a father. However, co-parenting would have to be an equal arrangement; shared custody, shared responsibility (financially and otherwise) and you would have to live in Melbourne, preferably the south east. As mentioned earlier, I have seen this work, and it can work well if we respect each other’s role in raising our bundle of joy.

    If co-parenting, a similar age would be preferable (24-32) and AI only. If I were to go it alone, if I somehow found an amazing woman to help with my journey, I’m not really fussed with age.

    Anyway, with the above said, I’m a pretty DTE and relaxed kind of person and wouldn’t rush or hassle anyone that’s still feeling a bit unsure about the whole process. Feel free to get in contact, enquire, etc. Happy to share photos and meet for coffee. Even just a chat with people in similar situations, because even though I’ve never been so sure of anything, the whole process seems a little daunting and uncharted, but that’s life I suppose!

    Note: can exchange email/phone number through direct message, I assume.

    ___XXX replied 6 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ___XXX

    14 October 2018 at 10:04

    I think I could possibly help with sole parenting, perhaps for same deal in return, perhaps even if not if you can wait 6-8months. I’m primarily looking for co-parenting because i’d prefer my child to know their father, not necessarily to be around full time. New to site, haven’t figured out if buying membership is the only way to exchange messages yet.

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