Looking for Sperm Donor in Shanghai, China
Single American woman in Shanghai, China is looking for a sperm donor locally.
I had already purchased sperm from a US bank, however unfortunately I cannot get to it anytime soon due to the current situation. That’s why I’m here.
I’m a professional that has been living in Asia for the past 10 years, as well as an entrepreneur. See my profile for more information. I am seeking a sperm donor with no expectation of any co-parenting situation with the donor.
Looking for a donor under the age of 40, is at least 5’9″ (175 cm) and reasonably attractive. The donor also must be fit. To avoid murky legal issues, I want to donor to be non-American. My preference is for either Caucasian or of African decent (I am African-American), but I am open.
If this describes you and you’re available, feel free to contact me.
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