Co-Parenting – Sperm Donation & FREE Sperm donors Forum Sperm Donors in USA Looking for a Sperm Donor in Cookeville Tn

  • Looking for a Sperm Donor in Cookeville Tn

    Posted by ___XXX on 11 October 2015 at 18:00

    Looking for a Sperm Donor in Cookeville Tn, I’m a 27 yrOld wanting to start my own family.. Want more infor message me 🙂

    ___XXX replied 8 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • harry2

    12 October 2015 at 23:15

    I am 47. I travel through Cookeville on my way to Gallatin from dc.

  • ___XXX

    4 December 2016 at 04:05

    I would love to get a woman pregnant who wants another kid or wants her first one. I have no kids of my own and I would love to pass on my genetics to someone who wants a kid of their own. I am a 27 year old White guy of average-build who is 6’3 and 220 pounds with dark brown hair and blue eyes. I also tested as “Gifted” back when I was in school. I live in the state of Alabama in the U.S.

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