Co-Parenting – Sperm Donation & FREE Sperm donors Forum CoParents in USA Women open to Co-parenting with African American Male

  • Women open to Co-parenting with African American Male

    Posted by ___XXX on 4 August 2010 at 07:03

    Hello !

    I am an African American Male who recently joined this site. I am eager to meet a women who wants to co-parent. I want to tell my story so I don’t go crazy. I started this journey so very optimistic. To make a long story short. Its not easy for anyone to find a match. Its due to having to leave out some of the social situations that bring parental parents together normally. So I side with everyone who has been at this for sometime without being able to find a suitable co-parent.

    My problem is that I am African American. Wow ! Now, I am not going to play the race card. But I have ran into one situation where I told the women. ” I am African American ” she said race wasn’t an issue. Then she backed out months later after I had invested my time and resources moving forward with her. Due to the fact that my skin was too dark and she was Afraid of what people would think about her and our child. Seriously. I have learned that race is everything in America. I myself was raised color blind. Truly ! I don’t discriminate against anyone. The lady that backed out on me was Asian. She had professed to believe in the words of Martin Luther King. That everyone should be judged by their content of character instead of the color of ones skin.

    To make a long story short. I am sadden by the ignorance and hateful people that I have met in the last year. Wow ! These people want to raise children. So, I am looking to meet women who are truly open when it comes to race. You have to be honest with yourself. So many people still have walls that keep them frozen with fear when it comes to race.
    I am not going to let the disrespect and hate of these people change who I am in the world.I know there must be women who are open when it comes to race. I have worked hard my whole adult life. And I don’t like it when people stereotype me and put me in a negative box of judgment. Again, please contact me if you are interested in meeting a man of color. You must be open when it come to race, creed, origin, and sexuality.

    I look forward to hearing from women with their hearts in the right place. Stop all the Hate People ! Please and Shame on You.

    ___XXX replied 13 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Lea22

    28 August 2010 at 20:31

    Hi, I’m gonna keep this short and to the point… I wished you lived the uk. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but decent, intelligent, black guys are in short supply where co-parenting is concerned.

    Good luck in your search.


  • ___XXX

    8 November 2010 at 03:34

    Where are you located? I am AA female kinda in the same predicament. I have looked at donor sites and have a difficulty finding AA men with suitable traits willing to be a known donor. I am in Texas and open to a co-parenting arrangment.

  • Myra

    3 December 2010 at 02:17

    Hi I would love to know were you live, are you an african american man living in the States? I’m in australia and am looking for a AA but that is not easy to find in this country 🙂

  • ___XXX

    6 February 2011 at 19:39

    I am AA female 42 year old. 5’6 ” (biracial) brown hair/eyes looking co- parenting. I don’t drink, smoke or use drugs. I live a fairly healthy lifestyle 90% vegi, 10% fish. I am a professional , who loves to traveling sailing and science. I am a twin. I prefer a intelligent tall black or brown male. I am currently in southern CA. It is my intention to breast feed. I you interested contact me at zumah aol . God willing you find what you are looking for.

  • ___XXX

    31 March 2011 at 21:24

    Its quite interesting reading about the race issue mentioned in this your write up. I am very sure that you are doing the right thing, by not letting a bad experience deter you from what you really want. I am confident you will find the right person. I am an African based in the UK and I’m also hoping to find someone who would love to co-parent with me real soon. I am over 6foot tall and highly motivated.

  • ___XXX

    13 April 2011 at 22:47

    Hi,I am a white lady who is 28yrs old, and live in the uk. I am looking to have a child, either with a future partner or co-parenting, I have no issue with race etc, as my mum is married to an African man, and my sister is with a Jamaican man, and they have two wonderful children together. I have only recently decided I want children, as I feel the time is right for me now. If you interested knowing more about me then message.

  • ___XXX

    25 April 2011 at 02:28

    Hi I am a Caucasian with some spanish in my blood line my Mother is all white and father is part spanish but raised white basically I myself have always been color blind I was exposed to racism on both ends but my mother whom I only cared of her opinion never focused and spoke about race in my home coming up but it was just understood from the rest of my family race could be an issue I ended up pregnant with a half african american beautiful baby girl it changed alot of people in my family view’s on love not perfect but somewhat~ I myself have never had an issue with race aside from what was put upon me so never understood why it mattered….I am now in an inner racial relationship with a black woman and find that I prefer it that way just my taste but I never cared too much either way about what the person’s race was that I was interested in so I understand where you are coming from and it appears to be in the black community as well the shade issue! Well I am definately more than open to co-parenting with an african american male!

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