Waiting man trying something different
Good things come to those who wait.
…but often we receive the unexpected.After ten years in a relationship with someone who cannot have children, I was shown the door. I would have waited another ten years for her if I thought there was hope. We agreed there was not. This is a bitter pill, but it carries sweet freedom.
Like most of us here, free as we are, I have decided to start a different kind of family. No marriage, few expectations, parents who want to be parents foremost. The details of this are various, and I will focus on listening to what is needed. I have a lot to learn.
I want to learn about our hopes, our resources and our limitations. I am ready to listen about timing, distance, and frequency. I want to share what we cherish most, then hold them gently. I want us to be good ancestors.
The females here seem to know what they are about, many having arrayed their lives for single motherhood. I can work with single mothers, nonbinary couples and otherwise. I know how to listen and wait. I would prefer to be a partner and co-parent.
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