Sperm Donor, Dunedin or S.Island
About me:
I am a recent graduate and entrepreneur, gay and in a loving relationship with a wonderful person, I am an intelligent person who can speak several languages and adore mathematics, my university records can prove this.
Health wise I am perfectly fine, I do not have any sexually transmitted deceases and do not foresee anything of the sort as I am in a monogamous relationship with the best man on earth who is also healthy and handsome (I guess I could have skipped this last bit haha). I have never had anything major in regards to my health, happy to prove that by taking a full medical test if wanted, family wise there is no history of cancer, obesity or psychological pathologies.
Further to my health I have absolutely never tried any sort and form of drugs, I am not a smoker and I drink socially in special occasions.
My physic:
My mother side are all Germans with blue eyes with golden hair, from father side all Italian brunets. I came out brunette too, light skin that gets golden when summer, dark wavy and shiny/soft hair, never had problems with pimples, my eye colours is somewhere between brown to green, in the shade brown wins and in the light green wins.From my side you have 50/50 chance to have a blond or brunet baby.
I am 1.75 mitres tall and fit.
Not sure if this matter (but to some it may) in my family there is no history of boldness so your little boy will not have to worry about loosing hair.
I have perfect eyesight.
Please only serious emails to ***@yahoo.com
Help me to help you, willing to take my future plans to a new level, donations welcome, please mention in your first email the amount you are willing to donate 🙂 thanks.
Please note my name in this profile is NOT real to protect my privacy, however the picture is real.
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