• Perth Sperm Donor donor Ai method

    Posted by ___XXX on 24 December 2014 at 08:41

    Upon knowing a lesbian couple through my wife that took them 2 years to find a suitable donor, I have completed my family, spoke to my wife got her approval and hereI am ready to donate.

    Upon speaking to a lesbian couple that my wife worked with and hearing all the horror stories, It planted the seed to one day want to help out because lets face it a lot of time wasters, a lot of non stable people with hidden agendas that lurk the internet looking for vulnerable people. People that offer Ai, that seem nice then once have met try and enforce Ni on you are some of the stories I have been told. Along the way I have met many legit donors, however they spread out over the world and hardly any in Perth. It inspired me to help because I hate to hear people get bullied around.

    Choosing a donor is a very important part in your life (you have children for life). Talk to many donors, ask many questions, I even ask questions, there is so many people that managed to find a donor and by the time they would like a second child they pull out and say no, they’re not doing it anymore. This makes things hard because in your head you knew the ideal age gap would you like and too search for a new donor may take ages. It’s important to find a donor that has strong morales and knows the importance of helping in donoring a sibling for the future.

    I only donor Ai method. The reason for this is, I am married, 2ndly as soon as you meet a donor that’s open to Ni, that means his STD papers are useless. infact all STD papers are useless when you come across single men or ni donors, because it takes HIV 3 months to register in your system for tests to detect. I am married with 2 healthy kids, and will always remain STD free, because I will not do Ni under any circumstances.

    I take no offence in just having a chat about donoring, I don’t enforce you, to use me or pressure you too and more importantly I take no offence if you choose another donor than myself. So if you are thinking about having a family, send me a message for a chat.

    ___XXX replied 10 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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