Co-Parenting – Sperm Donation & FREE Sperm donors Forum CoParents in USA M seeking Relationship/Coparent, will relocation nationwide!

  • M seeking Relationship/Coparent, will relocation nationwide!

    Posted by ___XXX on 4 September 2021 at 12:22

    Appearance: Caucasian, 31M green eyes, brown hair, 6’4 approximately 165lbs.
    Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas, then Halloween.
    Coffee drinker: Yes, and need to get homes expresso machine (a nice one).
    Drugs/general bad stuff: No, occasional drinker not in excess.
    Hobbies: Growing vegetables, philosophy, computers, writing, fountain pens, going on Clubhouse (the app).
    One of the craziest things I’ve ever done: Moved to another city sight unseen, without knowing anyone there, 1000+ miles from home.
    Fears: Dying alone, not achieving my potential.
    Religion: Christian, raised Lutheran.
    Goals: Surprise myself, derail what I perceive to be my fate. If that’s even possible.
    Talents: Making people laugh, crazy good conversationalist, writing.
    Hard Skills: Coding computers. Coming up with plans.
    Attracted to: People of good character.
    Past Girlfriends: None, this is a post love world :/
    Endorsements: Well my female friends/family can give you an endorsement if you want that I’m a decent guy.
    Wants: Espresso machine, success in (morally acceptable) enterprise.
    Accomplishments: BA. Friendships.
    Vaccine Status: Yes, Pfizer.
    How many kids want: 3, or more.
    Favorite Singer: Au/Ra
    Hair: Long in bun (man bun haha), with a beard.
    Belly button: Innie 🙂
    Skiing ability: Prefer Green/Blue slopes have done harder though.
    Tennis ability: Intermediate.
    Backyard chickens: No, but want.
    Places lived: NC, TX, PA.
    Have passport: Yes.
    Countries travelled: Italy, Poland, Germany, Iceland, Switzerland, France, Canada.
    Countries [want to go]: Spain, Switzerland (again), Iceland (again), Thailand.
    Open to marriage: Yes.
    Sexual history: Ask but unimpressive 😐 lol
    Want kids how soon: Consider after 6 months of knowing someone.
    Favorite tea drink: London fog.
    Favorite coffee drinks: Flat white, latte.
    Enjoys: Long intellectual discussions.
    Career: Writer with a side of computer science.
    Plants: Banana tree, broccoli, camoline tea plants.
    Pets: None, but likes dogs/cats.
    Ideal housing situation: If in the city, small apartment in a good location. If in the countryside, farm in good location (e.g. near hardware store, town).

    Okay, I think that’s enough about me, if interested respond with your location, any questions and if you are currently a member! Thank you!

    ___XXX replied 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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