Looking for sperm donor MD area
Caring, hardworking (work in the medical field), responsible and financially stable women looking for a sperm donor. I ask that you please be very serious in wanting to help! I am in my early 40’s and while all my hormones are within the normal range and all testing came back great, time is still of the essence for me in this journey to become a mom.
Being a mom is something I have truly desired for a long time but I wanted to be ready and have everything in place and I am at that time in my life where I am truly ready to do this. I come from a very large supportive family and have lots to offer a child.
Seeking someone who is healthy and can show proof of being free of STD, HIV and Hep C . I can do the same.
Can do a contract. Would love someone who would be willing to allow contact when the child is 18 as I think that would be very important for a child.
If you are near the Maryland area that is a huge plus as it makes easier to meet up as it could take up to 6 months, sometimes more per statistics for a pregnancy 🙂
Looking forward to hearing from you if you are genuinely serious about wanting to help me on this journey 🙂 I prefer AI
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