• Lesbian couple in, ACT prefer NI,

    Posted by ___XXX on 9 September 2012 at 05:49

    Lesbian/ bi couple looking at IUI or NI both have blue eyes,
    Looking for donor only we move for work and don’t want to juggle dad.
    Looking for blue or green eyes as a preference,
    Caucasian or Mediterranean to match heritage,
    Blonde, strawberry or red hair preferred.
    White to olive skin,
    We would like to add to our family we have two children and earn a comfortable income,
    Our children are healthy and happy and get to travel often the oldest wants a sister (no promises but will try.)

    We belive in NI and we would both like to be involed in conception.
    And due to us moving interstate soon we do not want to co parent, I love my kids and never want a messy interstate custody battle we are just hoping to keep it simple.

    Photos and stories could be shared via social media if you like, however if this sort of contact was to be maintained then a document would have to be in place to protect us from a custody battle.

    Yes if you are still keen Photos are a must anyone wanting to create a child is lying if they don’t want to know what the main ingredient is lol.

    NI or AI, My GF believes strongly that NI would be a much better success, I am happy either way but I would like to be present either way.

    I may also want to have a child later I think I may get belly envy.

    Thank you for your time reading this post,
    Kind regards on your Journey either way.
    Kye & Lisa

    ___XXX replied 12 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ___XXX

    17 September 2012 at 03:14

    Hi L&K
    The process of baby making is immaterial to me (Ni or AI) it is the woman’s choice.
    It is the product/s not the process that is important!
    You will definately want a contract and a recent STD from me and from you.
    I would be happy to travel to Canberra for the inseminations with you both.
    John 😛

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