• Asian Sperm Donor in D/FW

    Posted by ___XXX on 12 January 2017 at 01:28

    I am a tall (6’1″) Asian male with healthy genetics willing to help out those in need.

    My sperm have been successful 5 times, so I am not worried about fertility. I am NOT interested in co-parenting. I have a happy and successful life, but I have had many friends who have had difficulty, so I understand how frustrating and expensive banks are. I just want to help those who want to have a child, but simply can not afford to go through the process, often multiple times.

    NI vs. AI: I’ve helped friends before, and from personal experience, NI is MUCH more effective. I am not against AI, I just know it’s not nearly as successful as NI, so that is my preference. Your time and my time is valuable and scarce. I’d just rather not spend time spinning our wheels and adding even more frustration to the already frustrating process.

    About myself: I am Asian and born here in the United States. I have a doctoral degree and I was a college athlete. I have a clean bill of health.

    ___XXX replied 7 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ___XXX

    20 October 2017 at 17:07

    Hello my name is tambi. I was wondering if we could talk about donating sperm . Unfortunately I’m not looking to do it the natural way

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