Co-Parenting – Sperm Donation & FREE Sperm donors Forum CoParents in USA 27yo black male wants to be a dad

  • 27yo black male wants to be a dad

    Posted by Anthonyd on 12 January 2017 at 05:47

    27 year old, African American single guy and would love to become a father.Is there any women willing to get pregnant to help me become a father? Looking to CO-Parent the child or get in a relationship. I am also open to what you would like to do as far having a child
    Let me know. Hope to meet you

    ___XXX replied 7 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • ___XXX

    23 January 2017 at 02:17

    Hi can you help with being a sprem donor for me and my husband you cannot have no kids whatsoever and we have been trying so hard to have a child and it is hard so we sit down and talk about sperm donor or adoption and I was thinking

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