Questions Sperm Bank – What to Ask

Those who use a sperm bank do so because it has assets, just as with a regular bank. These assets are very valuable to a lot of people. These banks are where biological material used for creating families is stored.

Individuals and couples who have barriers to conceiving a child can use sperm donor insemination, also called DI or donor insemination. These obstacles can range from the male partner not having suitable sperm. It can also be used for women who do not have a male partner.

DI tends to have a good success rate in general. It may not be as effective for women over the age of 40 as the quality of eggs declines over time. If this becomes a problem, there are other ways to achieve pregnancy including using a donor egg.


frozen storage sperm bank


Men are sometimes not able to produce sperm at all due to testicular injury, cancer therapy or genetic defect. Sometimes a man can produce sperm but it is low quality in that the numbers produced are smaller than average or they are not moving as much as they should.

When compared with some other techniques that assist reproduction, sperm banks are less costly than many of the others. However, this is many times not used until other IVF attempts have been tried and exhausted.
Singles or couples who use this service usually try to find sperm donors who match them on different levels. While most choose a donor with a similar ethnic or racial background, others may be more interested in finding a donor who has their same physical attributes such as eye color, height, build or hair color. Sometimes it is of importance to find someone who has similar religious or political beliefs. While most of the donors are anonymous, each has a profile that has information about his background. This usually includes a physical description, ethnic information, educational level, religion or philosophical belief, and other information that the potential parent or parents can use to aid selection.

During the process, the couple or single seeking to use the DI process will have to consider several things. They should have an understanding of their own role in reproduction and why they are considering this system. They should communicate with each other about potential donors. The need to investigate and be aware of any legal issues related to insemination as it can vary from locale to locale. They should also discuss the method they are going to use for the insemination. Using a sperm bank may not be suitable for everyone but it works for many people.

While most of the suggestions they get is choosing a sperm donor, there is hardly anyone who has succeeded in mentioning the criteria that must be used in order to selecting the one. Here are some of the points that every would-be sperm recipient must consider in order to make a sound selection of sperm bank and donor.

Questions Sperm Bank: What You Should Ask

  • Questions sperm bank: Is the bank accredited?
  • How long has it been in the business of sperm donation?
  • Is the bank physician owned and operated?
  • Do they check sperm donors for STDs and other genetic diseases?
  • Do they employ full time genetic counselors?
  • What is the percentage of the applicants that is accepted into the donor program?
  • What kind of screening does the bank perform?
  • Do they have an Open Donor Program?
  • Can extra sperm be stored for another child?

You’re strongly advised to verify their reputation and reliability by going through the testimonial column to read their clients’ reviews and experiences. This way you’ll have a better idea of the sperm bank and be more able to choose the right one.

The Internet can also help you to find out more information about top sperm donation agencies and their location. Giving birth to a child is a blessing that every woman must experience once, let a reputed bank be your partner in this beautiful process.

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