How Your Life Changes after Having a Baby

two young women casual clothes with a baby

Becoming a parent changes everything. You’ve probably heard this sentence many times. Having a baby is not only about having new responsibilities and a little one to love. It also influences your daily schedule, your diet, your sleep and even the amount of time you spend in the bathroom. Discover some of the many aspects of your daily life that might change.

A new routine

After the birth of your child, your whole system of organization will change. Schedules will essentially revolve around your baby’s routine (bedtime, naps, breastfeeding or feeding, going to the nursery). Going to the doctor will likely become part of your day to day life, especially when your child starts going to nursery and brings home all sorts of bugs and diseases.
You might have trouble finding time for tidying up and doing all the usual household chores. Where your financial situation is concerned, saving enough money to ensure your kids’ upbringing and welfare will become your top priority.
Finally, planning appointments in advance (for instance, having a drink with your friends) will become a necessity.

An illustration to accompany a blog post about how life changes after having a baby. The scene shows a couple adjusting to life with their newborn

Less time for yourself

If you used to spend half an hour in the bathroom every day before going to work, be warned that this is probably going to change. Instead, you will have to feed, change and dress the baby, prepare their bag and push-chair, put everything in the car, and eventually drop him or her off with the nanny.As for those spontaneous evenings you used to spend with your friends, unless you call a babysitter or your partner is in charge for the night, you will probably have to decline and stay home instead. Organizing your dates with your friends in advance will become obligatory.

Less sleep

Getting up at night when baby is crying or having no time for a lie-in at the weekend: being a parent also means less sleep. Moreover, finding time for a nap in the middle of the afternoon when your children are home becomes almost impossible.

Healthier diet and lifestyle

Although the change of diet might start as soon as you begin trying to become pregnant, women must also be extra cautious about what they eat during pregnancy. Finally, paying special attention to one’s diet also applies to mothers who are breastfeeding.

Where food is concerned, it’s important to set a good example to the kids by eating well yourself. Accordingly, you may find that your lunches and dinners as a parent are often much healthier than they were before you had children: more vegetables and fruits, less fast-food and sushi.Additionally, when it come to choosing cleaning or hygiene products, you will probably find that you tend to pay more attention to the ingredients, and perhaps (if this is not already the case) opt instead for organic and chemical-free shampoos, soaps and washing-up liquid.

You’re not the first anymore

Your baby is now your number-one priority. You think about him or her all the time. Your emotions, such as worries or intense joy, all revolve around your little angel. If you go shopping, for instance, you’ll likely always put your baby’s needs first and won’t treat yourself to stuff quite as often as you did before.

You also won’t go out as much as you did pre-baby, not only because you have less free time, but also because you simply want to be with your little family.

Change of habits and priorities

Quitting smoking, cleaning the house every three weeks instead of every weekend, going out with friends who have children, going to bed at 9 pm on Friday evening: becoming a parent changes your habits a lot.Your priorities change too. You focus more on the important things, such as your family, your children, and your hobbies. Since you have less time and energy, you are not able to do all of the things that you used to do, but you’ll make up for this by prioritizing those which matter the most.

You feel stronger and more confident

Many parents feel stronger after the birth of their baby. Having this new responsibility gives them new-found confidence in themselves. Moms also see their body differently and tend to accept it more than they did before the pregnancy. You also learn to be more patient and take your time.

Your relationship with your partner changes

Romantic dinners with candles suddenly become few and far between. Opportunities for sexual intimacy can often become a rarity too, with perhaps a loss of libido after childbirth and then a lack of energy after the too-many sleepless nights. If you are a single parent, finding the time to date is also far from easy, although it is still possible.On the other hand, your relationship with your partner might become even stronger thanks to the birth of your child. Seeing your baby for the first time, witnessing all of their achievements and milestones, or struggling together to provide for them, can create a powerful bond between you and your partner that nothing else can match.

You have more respect for your parents

Now that you have this little one in your life, you understand more about your parents love for you. Many new moms and dads reconnect with their own parents after the birth of their baby, whether this is as a result of receiving their help or just enjoying a nice family moment together.


When you have children, you stop seeing some friends while, at the same time, seeing others more often. You may find it more convenient and pleasant to see those who have children just like you. You feel that they understand you better, plus the kids can play together when the parents are having an adult discussion. On the contrary, those friends you used to go out with every Saturday evening often go AWOL once you become a parent.

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